The 2023 CMAO Summer Conference will be held at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center located at 200 W Albany St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. This summer’s conference was developed with a Hometown theme, which will center around making better communities across the state!
Speaker Materials
Vegetation Growth Management, Presented by Grant Ehlen
Economic Development Philosophies, Presented by Norman Stephens and Jennifer Rush
ICMA Ethics and Update, Presented by Dave Slezickey
Beautification of Your Community, Presented by Jeanette Nance
BONUS: Partnering with Keeping Oklahoma Beautiful
Homelessness, Mental Health, and the Role of Local Government, Presented by Greg Shinn
CMAO Summer Golf Tournament
Join us for the Annual CMAO Golf Tournament on July 19th with a shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. at Battle Creek Golf Course located at 3200 N Battle Creek Dr, Broken Arrow, OK 74012.
This year’s golf tournament entry fee is $75, which includes green fees, cart fees, range balls, and lunch.
We are offering a chance to purchase mulligans for $5 each (limit of 4 per golfer). These will allow you to have a do-over per mulligan, if needed. All mulligans must be bought in advance as none will be sold on-site.
There will also be a longest drive and closest to the pin competition so start practicing now!
Conference Hotel Information
A room block has been reserved at the Stoney Creek Hotel. The conference block will expire on June 19th.
Registration Fees:
Registration: $295/members or $345/non-members, which includes meals and a banquet ticket. Deadline to register is July 5th.
Be sure to log in to receive the member rate. If you do not know your login credentials, please email
Additional Meal Tickets (Does not include the Banquet): $145
Additional Banquet Ticket: $50
Registration closes July 5th. Cancellations made prior to July 5th will receive a full refund. After July 5th, no refunds will be given. Any registered attendee who does not request a cancellation prior to July 5th and does not attend the conference is required to pay their balance in full.