
Accredited Manager Program (AMP)Oversees the AMP program, and approves the credentialing of the participants.

Coaching and Mentoring Program - Implemented and oversees the CAL-ICMA Coaching Mentoring Program for CMAO members and MPA students. Makes recommendations about the program. Presents webinar topics from the program at CMAO conferences and meetings.

Conference Planning Committee - Plans the program for the summer and winter conferences.

Constitutional Review CommitteeReviews suggestions for changes to the CMAO By-Laws and makes recommendations for changes at semi-annual business meetings as appropriate.

Ethics Committee - Reviews and investigates ethics complaints regarding CMAO members in accordance with the CMAO By-Laws.

Managers-In-Transition CommitteeCoordinates services to members in transition.

Programs Committee - Makes recommendations on programs and services provided by CMAO to serve members and advance the city management profession.

Scholarship Committee - Makes recommendations on the award of scholarships for students of Municipal Administration.

Wilkins Award "City Manager of the Year" Committee - Reviews applications submitted and determines the recipient of the award.

Interested in serving on a committee? Please complete the form below!