Member-In-Transition Program

CMAO provides a Member-In-Transition (MIT) service for city managers and administrators who are members of our association.


The program provides a support system for MIT members during periods of transition between public sector management positions. A combination of direct and indirect assistance is designed to assist the member personally and professionally while in a transition status.


A member-in-transition is an individual whose last professional position held was in the local government sector and he/she was a City Manager or Administrator and a Full Member in good standing. The member must be actively seeking employment by pursuing local government positions throughout the state and/or in other states. Members will continue to be considered a MIT for up to 12 months following loss of employment or until accepting full time employment, whichever occurs first.

Support System

CMAO board members who are aware of a member in transition in their district will contact him or her to remind the member of the MIT program. We also have a member-in-transition committee who will assist MIT's in their district.


Indirect Services and Assistance

1. All CMAO members will be encouraged to make personal contact with you when you are in transition.

2. Members will be encouraged to continue inviting you to CMAO events.

3. Members will be encouraged to offer you part-time/contract employment positions.

4. Members in close proximity to you will be encouraged to offer you temporary use of office space, fax machines, computers, etc. during you job search, perhaps in return for part-time work as referenced above.

5. Members will be encouraged to offer you assistance in critiquing resumes and cover letters.

6. At its discretion, the CMAO Board may employ you on a part-time basis to complete a project of benefit to the entire association.

7. Contact staff to receive a list of search firms.

8. We will maintain a list of job vacancies in various communities in Oklahoma on our website. This list will include all positions that may be currently available and we courage you to sign up for emails or texts to notify you of any new positions. You can sign up for this on our website under "Contact Us."


Program Changes and Limitations

Program Changes

The Member in Transition Committee or any member may make recommendations to the CMAO Board that they feel would be a benefit to the MIT program. The CMAO Board has the authority to make changes to the MIT program as deemed necessary.


The Member in Transition policy is designed to assist you within your own comfort zone. Every effort will be made to respect your dignity, desire for privacy and comfort with the level of support available.


Suggestions for Managers in Transition

The following suggestions may benefit you if you are a manager in transition. The list is not necessarily in order of importance.

  • Stay active in sports, church, family, clubs and CMAO meetings.

  • Be positive.

  • Avoid the TV routine.

  • Enhance your computer skills.

  • Talk with other colleagues for support and advice.

  • Do not limit your job search. Develop your contacts; network.

  • Do something you have always wanted to do (start a hobby, exercise, etc.).

  • Try to stay in your community; don't move to another location while in transition.

  • Do not second-guess yourself.

  • Feel good about yourself.

  • Be flexible.

  • Make lists (references, job prospects and ideas, etc.).

  • Work out a written severance agreement with advice from a competent attorney – but be sure and ask for more than you expect. Covered items should include:

    • Hospitalization/medical insurance paid by your employer until you get a job. (COBRA)

    • All employee benefits continued through severance.

    • Outplacement services.

    • Legal services paid by employer.

    • No public comment or criticism about the separation by the council or the manager.

    • Severance compensation.

    • Severance time (from six months to one year, after last day on job).

    • Secretarial, office services.